Saturday, 29 April 2023

Pandemic Fear Porn: Yukon Government

(Whitehorse Star April 14, 2023)

We are witnessing pure endemic fear porn

Stonewalling science evidence for the Covid-19 status as "endemic", of the B.C. Centre for Disease Control (in Canadian Medical Association Journal, Oct. 11, 2022), minister McPhee and premier Pillai heavy-handedly assert a supposedly continuing "pandemic". 

Endemic, pandemic, very different things. Endemic normality of all kinds of illnesses, versus pandemic mass casualties, such as during the-around fifty times more lethal Spanish Flu, over Covid even in 2020.

Covid-19, even during 2020/21, was kind of borderline pandemic at best or worst, but ruthlessly exploited for fear porn effect and dramatic prolongation.

Thankfully, in the government’s letter, published in 5he April 6 Star, Yukoners were spared explicit iterations of increasingly embarrassing media attempts to hide behind a long Covid smoke screen the mRNA post-vac syndrome cases in the Yukon, involving debilitating systemic autoimmune disease. 

Under a load of post-vac claims, including well resourced criminal cases for failing duty of care in office underway against the administration, the Swiss gov. has officially ended Covid shots. 

Not without making it clear that individual doctors, who would still administer it, will be held liable for injection injuries.

Nevertheless, pundit talk on supposedly continuing Covid ravages employs long Covid label misuse in the service of covering up serious vaccine injuries. And this underlying dishonesty permeated the entire Yukon Government statement.

Post-vac syndrome diagnostics is authenticated under independent but credentialed bio-technology, medical and legal verification in the ongoing cross-Canada hearings of the National Citizen's Inquiry. 

Hours and hours of expert and witness testimony in full-length recordings are available on Youtube and other platforms.

Without listening, without balance, without logic, without democratic proportionality, but with cognitive dissonance, McPhee and Pillai state ongoing "pandemic" four times in their response (Whse Star April 6, 2023) to Barbara Drury's open letters.

The disconnect is more than academic. Aside to harming Yukon patients the power grab harms about 130 workers at Whse General Hospital who are locked out under threat of Moderna gene-therapy injections. 

McPhee and Pillai double down in defending the indefensible lockout. Unfortunately the neoliberal Yukon Employees' Union sides with management against the workers and patients. 

This fear-mongering demonization against their members, this extraordinary betrayal of solidarity and breach of trust adds more than a whiff of dehumanizing trans-humanism.

It's in violation of workers’ Charter rights and human rights to work in their jobs, and with their bodily integrity and spiritual autonomy disrespected.  

McPhee's and Pillai's robotic pharma platitude of "safe and effective [Covid] vaccines" appears callous towards the post-vac injury victims. 

But the two also seem out of touch with science discourse and what political reality has in store for them once the communications lockdown crumbles. 

Pharma-captive weaponized medicine forgets the sacred bedrock of healthcare: First, Do No Harm! Citizens remember.

Covid measures are driven in lockstep with American-Healthcare creep and are dismantling bit by bit access to Medicare, including in the Yukon for everyone to see.

The Covid status-quo extenders apparently are the paranoid ones sporting tinfoil hats, along with wearing masks of one kind or another. (More Covid stories by the author also in the Star archives, donations welcome )

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