Friday, 3 April 2020

National front gov’t. with three responsibilities (Whse Star 3 Apr.2020)

National front gov’t. with three responsibilities (Whse Star 3 Apr. 2020)

1 – Face facts with effective, appropriate responses and leave ideological baggage behind.
The COVID-19 virus explosion already found too much symbiotic assistance by the neoliberal virus!

2 – Exercise crisis leadership inspired by the Canadian Olympic Committee and act on the UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ March 23 COVID survival call for an end to military violence!

2a – For Canada, it means to remember Lester B. Pearson’s and Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s legacies of Canadian sovereignty in foreign policy and an overdue pull-back from a globalized, racist NATO expansion!
Bring home Canadian navy/army personnel from Ukraine, Latvia and Lithuania, Middle East and South China Sea!
Stop supporting human rights abuse against the Russian-speaking east and south of Ukraine!
End threatening Russian, Iranian and Chinese peoples with over-bearing, out-of-balance NATO firepower poking up their noses and border security!
Involved is a thinly veiled but troubling weaponization of human rights that is very one-sided and counterproductive.
It is perhaps best exemplified in the fashion of Chrystia Freeland’s support of the violent 2013-14 Euromaidan coup d’état in Kiev, recent Hong Kong riots and other conflict provocations/escalations aligned with NATO expansionism.
In March 2017, Donald Trump’s State Department had commented on her appointment as Canada’s Global Affairs minister: “Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy.”

2b – NATO/Al-Qaeda-in-Syria (Al-Nusra Front) coalition, in all but name, must immediately end their illegal invasion of UN member country Syria!

2c – End free-trade colonialism and Canadian sanctions/naval blockades and other illegal acts and threats of war against non-Westerners, among them Venezuela, Syria, Russia, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen and Nicaragua!
Certain failure of our government’s ambition for a UN Security Council seat is no accident.
By the way, translating “socialism” or “communism” from political Spanish, Mandarin or Vietnamese correctly into contemporary English is important.
Its historical reality of an anti-colonial liberation struggle actually means national sovereignty, not Communist International, and for very good, legitimate reasons.
Anti-colonial memory and sensitivity are still raw in the Global South and East.
However, crucially, and with international solidarity, Cuban brigades of fully equipped epidemics specialist doctors and plane loads of Chinese hospital supplies have engaged in Italy and other COVID hot spots.
Canada can recover and also make an international good will expression.
We can show how to tone down a rampant colonialism in the area of Western academic arrogance, sometimes bordering on quackery, such as towards unorthodox, eastern and peer-reviewed medical science.
M.D. Dr. Richard Cheng from Shanghai is only one of the scientists deserving of being at least listened to.
He discusses peer-reviewed Chinese science journal reports on the successful use of mega dosage vitamin C, administered orally and/or intravenously, to critically ill COVID-19 patients in pneumonia stage.

3 – Emulating Indigenous people’s wisdom, we ask advice from ancestors in troubled times!
It is then appropriate to live up to populist and internationalist culture heroes such as father of medicare Tommy Douglas and anti-Wall Street/New Deal visionary Franklin Delano Roosevelt!
Or late 1800s Kansas People’s Party organizer Mary Elizabeth Lease!

3a – End neoliberal class warfare against underclass Canadians and all ordinary people!
The COVID survival package passed in Ottawa is good, but central bankster and speculators/finance, Bay Street and Wall Street elites, like in 2008, are salivating to exploit our vulnerability and steal from us.
A COVID debt crisis is predictable as a repeat to come of former Finance minister Paul Martin’s 1990s-type cutbacks resulting in damaged medicare, reduced hospital beds and diminished public library hours.
It is what we get without restoring the Bank of Canada from its current private interest-controlled central bankster status, back into our once again to be publicly owned National Bank.
Remember, it had lent interest-free to the Canadian government until 1967, which is why we were able to pay off Second World War debt, and win the war to begin with.
And public banking spearheaded overall responsible finance regulations, that, before 40 some years of neoliberalism, had made illegal consumer credits at astronomic interest rates, compound interest charges and all loan-sharking.

3b – Union-busting is an illegal human rights violation under UN charter documents such as Article 23. paragraph (2) of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights from Paris, Sept. 10, 1948.
And, by extension, in Canadian constitutional law and influenced by the Dec. 10, 1947 Saskatchewan Human Rights Bill.
Restoring such proven basics of Keynesian (British economist John Maynard Keynes) political economy will equal healing and a wider return to a rule-of-law society and lawful government. One that will investigate Walmart and others for organized crime in their worker and people-hostile ideological fanaticism!
Hilary Clinton's past as a Walmart director from 1986 - 1992 offers a warning re. the dimension of our challenge in dealing with such an entrenched criminal outlook in neoliberal political elites, of phoney-wussy or flat-earther variety.
On the road to sanity and renewed balance of society we will get to review the climate and contagion bomb of inflated trade/shipping/travel, which is for its own and speculator sake, without real wealth creation, which is called free-trade.
And we will question the Just in Time (JIT) inventory invention (practically no warehouses) of market-hostile extremist cartels, which are typically headquartered in the West, not China.
They are leaving us without adequate supplies of hand sanitizers, respirators, ventilators, face masks for frontline responders and hospital beds when needed most.

3c – Band-Aids won’t do crossing the transformative COVID bridge.
John F. Kennedy knew it would be a question of time when we again would run into cataclysms requiring deep reforms.
He had arrived at the realization that (foreshadowing the current NATO expansion drive) militarist and imperialist advisors had gulled him to escalate aggression against Cuba and Vietnam.
The experience made him more mindful and inspired him to initiate the international Alliance for Progress.
On its first anniversary in March 1962, JFK poignantly highlighted social justice and democratic rights: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Institutions like labour unions and public broadcasters, like the CBC, play an important crisis role.
But they are also struggling with partly self-inflicted credibility problems, as for decades they have promoted the creation of neoliberal-virus Petri-dish realities, that are a big COVID factor now.
And for the first time in the climate crisis, organized citizens, residents, women, seniors, workers, children and soldiers will have an effective chance.
With COVID precedence and intensity, the people’s extinction rebellion will mobilize Communities' and Nature's rights in Canada!
Google yukonblogger for more context to neoliberalism, extinction rebellion, Tommy Douglas, human rights, petroleum politics, Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes, Adam Smith, Karl Polanyi, John Ralston Saul and Agnes McPhail, green (energy) transition, inter-cultural multi-personality-order and more.
“Perhaps some might think we, a few friends of mine, that we are over the top. When we feel cascading facts are on top of us.”

The writer is a Whitehorse resident.
by Peter Becker special to the Star
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