Tuesday, 3 May 2016

The Seychelles go down in the carbon price hole, Whse Star May 3, 2016

The Seychelles go down in the carbon price hole, Whse Star May 3, 2016

In his letter published Monday, Gerald Haase, invoking the Seychelles, was stuck like a broken record, ignoring the fact the B.C. carbon tax is not revenue-neutral, a verified fact that has been pointed out to him.

Judy Deutsch wrote for the magazine Canadian Dimension, winter 2016 issue, under her title: “Willful blindness kills hope for climate change reversal”:

“Much is left out about carbon taxes. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) found that the B.C. carbon tax is a regressive tax, disproportionately benefitting the rich, and that it did not reduce emissions.”

Actually, the senior economist for the CCPA, Marc Lee, tallied up in detail B.C. greenhouse gases emissions, which are sharply increasing and not decreasing, as Premier Christy Clark claims.

Ms. Deutsch had summed up very well some of the fact findings of the B.C. Auditor General in his 2013 special report: An Audit of Carbon Neutral Government.

However, the report goes even further in detailing systemic carbon accounting fraud as part of the carbon price scheme that excludes emissions from Encana frack gas installations.

Some frack gas operations even receive a double whammy of cash rewards, out of the carbon tax returns and on top of that carbon off-set payments.

“The carbon pricing lobby sucked all the air out of the room,” leading Canadian energy economist Mark Jaccard told DeSmog Canada (describing a first ministers’ meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from March).

“What we should be doing is looking at those jurisdictions that have made progress and learn from them instead of closing our eyes, saying ‘I want a carbon price, and don’t bother me with the evidence.’”

Premier Darrell Pasloski goes into the election with the carbon price advantage, despite being halfway onboard anyways, because Gerald Haase and others hand it to him.

We are getting the fracking idea of a Yukon carbon tax.

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