Monday, 15 May 2023

My question on science-based evidence stands [on mRNA injections]

My question on science-based evidence stands [on mRNA injections] 

[Whitehorse Star, Friday, May 12, 2023

Thanks Mr. Hanley,

I appreciate your update.

However, you did not answer my question, which was:

What science based evidence was used in 2020 to authorize Covid vaccines? Was there evaluation outside of the American FDA approval?

The links you sent show that there was no independent science based evidence, but only the say-so of the vaccine manufacturers themselves on the safety and efficacy of their products, based on at the most two months of data! 

Hardly enough time to determine the safety of a novel product. In the list of drug and vaccine authorizations there are NO independent studies...only the drug manufacturer's 'studies', rubber stamped by the FDA of the US.

I am left guessing that you did not sent any independent study examples to me because Health Canada did not use any in their decision making process.

The other concern of mine is the number of adverse events there have been in Canada following vaccination, (post vaccine injury). The reporting of these adverse events is extremely difficult, with many administrative 'roadblocks' to prevent an injury being reported. 

Even with the near impossibility of a victim of a vaccine injury being able to file a report, there have still been a total of 54,569 adverse events of vaccine injury in Canada!

To put this into perspective, wen the swine flu vaccine was 'pulled' it had a small percent proportion of injuries per doled out jabs in comparison to Covid shot adverse events! 

The Covid vaccines by March 2023 had 54,569 adverse events, serious enough to make it past steep reporting hurdles, and it's not withdrawn from use, it is even called 'safe and effective'!  

This is so bizarre, especially when the recently released 'Pfizer Files' show that Pfizer themselves knew in December 2020 and January 2021 that their vaccine was not safe, and not effective. 

Pfizer is Moderna's parent company, and off-shoot Moderna's products are nearly identical except for a significantly higher and potentially more dangerous mRNA dosage. 

And even more damning is that governments especially throughout the Western world, including Canada, were also privy to this data, and knew the dangers of those genetically engineered injections, and yet they said nothing!  Except 'Safe and Effective'.  

Mr. Hanley, I am now continuing to ask, did you know in January 2021, from Pfizer's own data that they released to governments around the world, that their vaccine would lead to a high  rate of adverse health outcomes? Did you look at the data?  You were our Chief Medical Officer of Health at that time in the Yukon, and should have been privy to it.

Peter Becker


The writer has included Hanley's Apr. 20 letter to him (below):

Thank you for following up with our office. As you will recall your question to us was:


What was the Canadian process of authorization of COVID vaccines? Was there evaluation outside of FDA/American approval?


While we tried to answer your process question, we’re happy to direct you to the more in depth information you are requesting now; all of which is and has been posted on the Government of Canada website.


You can find the list of drug and vaccine authorizations for COVID-19 here: By clicking on the underlined component in the the second column of the chart (each box related to one authorization) it will take you to a page which should provide you with the sort of resources you are looking for divided into those directed at Consumers, Health Care Professionals, Researchers, and All Resources.


Although this may not include data from the trials, this page provides you with the reported side effects of COVID-19 vaccination and the incidence of adverse events as well as their share of the total doses administered: It is updated regularly.


For more information you can also explore this site-which will take you to some of the links posted above as well: COVID-19 Vaccines: Authorized vaccines -


All of this is easily searchable online, but we are happy to provide you with the above links.

Thank you for reaching out  (More Covid stories by the author also in the Star archives or on yukonblogger, donations welcome ).