Thursday, 19 January 2023

Share your COVID mRNA vaccination side-effects  

(Whitehose Star Dec. 9 2022)

What is a realistic estimate of health events that appeared following COVID shot(s), be they moderate to severe but new, persisting, startling or repetitive?

As a start, as community can we add up even the vaguest accumulative idea of COVID mRNA vaccine side-effects that we know of, in our Yukon circles of friends and loved ones? 

I encourage reporting to Health Canada by those who have the sinking feeling that something is not right with post Covid shot symptoms they suffer. Symptoms that simply may be one bridge too far from any health status trajectory, feeling of being or prognostic scope that existed previously in a person’s life.

I also recognize that some may be discouraged by the official reporting process …. or perhaps by remembered power imbalances between patients’ rights and petro-chemical-pharma turf protections that have played in past controversies or medication caused harms. 

Hard as it is, I decided to step forward and volunteer in the gathering of a very rough overview of sorrowful feedback.   " ... I know of One or Two or More..." is all that I am asking senders and with much appreciation.  

As investigative yukonblogger, as Whitehorse Star freelance coloumnist over years I have always protected sources and in this case commit to delete all emails. Yes, there will be inaccuracies, overlap-duplication as well as under-reporting. 

I don't come from any kind of anti-vaxxer, libertarian or Covid-denial position or affiliation. My initiative and responsibility is mine alone and my motivation is to possibly counteract harms to come and to deepen.

( donations welcome, )

Peter Becker,