Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Treason afoot in Canada, Wielding Weaponized Carbon Tax

Treason afoot in Canada, Wielding Weaponized Carbon Tax 1/3 (Whitehorse Star, 26 June 2019)
Part of Western Apocalypse Frame — through and beyond Paris 1919 - Paris 2015

Flat-earth neoliberal premiers, threaten to break up Canada with referendums, while wussy neoliberal leaders flounder in complicity. Why?

The wussy neoliberals’ response is so weak it can be understood as complicity. When war room operations are unfolding in Calgary with referendum plans on Alberta separation/federal equalization payments, and more to come.

The traitor poison is in the oiligarchic bed fellowship with Yankee Doodle-Kenney, by carbon-pricers like Frack-Horgan, Tar-Notley and Pipe-Trudeau (All are united in supporting extreme, unsustainable and anti-renewable foreign ownership levels).

Jason Kenney, who as head of the Canadian Tax Payers Federation, was officially on US gov. payroll for so many years, he might not remember anything else ( ).

And, more than other phoney fossil disputes it is this good-cop/bad-cop routine attached to the GHG increasing carbon tax that disguises the oil-cartel fellow travellers, who are broadly the political elites in Canada.

Colourblind to party lines, be it by jailing wussy-neos or locking up flat earth-neos, this issue of criminal treasonous action in public office needs to be remedied soon to safeguard our country and constitution.

Criminality is not limited to letting the Canadian Tax Payer Federation run amok.
There are the Manning Centre, Alberta Institute, Fraser Institute, Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, to name a few.

The Macdonald-Laurier Institute for Public Policy and Fraser Institute in their names rollout the US practice of besmirching Canadian patriots while hiding treason behind those honourable names.
The whole lot act and are paid as de-facto foreign spies and operatives.

A Wikipedia entry summarizes accurately: 
“According to journalist Lee Fang, writing for The Intercept, the libertarian Atlas Network has ‘reshaped political power in country after country,’ operating as an extension of U.S. foreign policy, with Atlas-affiliated think tanks receiving funding from the United States Department of State and the National Endowment for Democracy”

The infiltration of Canadian democratic institutions by U.S. gov. agencies, arm’s length or otherwise, goes on for some time. 

Veteran Canadian diplomat and journalist Peter Dale Scott had fished an explosive cable out of a Wikileaks data dump years ago, pertaining to Harper’s win in 2006.

Mark Taliano wrote for on 11 Sept. 2014:

“The ‘party renovation’ referenced in the cable is the ‘renovation’ of Canada’s indigenous Progressive Conservative Party into a Republican-inspired Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) that is largely subservient to the U.S Empire south of the border.”

Here is the sticky wicket. The influence peddlers, rallying flat-earth crowds, propagandize and lobby on behalf of foreign interests underhandedly, which is in violation of our 1989 Lobbyists Registration Act. 

They do it as criminal traitors, by deceptively foregoing registration. 

There simply would be no talk of a referendum on Alberta leaving Canada without a relentless poisoning of our country by those stink-tanks, that damages our old friendship with the American people.

If there is no meaningful law enforcement in Canada, no wonder Canadians get into trouble violating similar laws elsewhere, for instance in China. 

Dec. 2018 Michael Kovrig, an agent of the International Crisis Group, was arrested in China ( ). 

ICG is a neoliberal propaganda tank peddling Western colonial interests in China, but not registered as lobbyist, breaking Chinese law.

The timing of Kovrig’s arrest suggests a response of Peking to the Huawe executive’s arrest in Vancouver. It also indicates Chinese leniency for letting Kovrig go so long freely about his apparent clandestine anti-Chinese operations. 

Lawlessness also on the international stage characterizes our neoliberal federal gov. The arrest of the Huawe executive Meng Wanzhou, accusing her of trading with Iran, was illegal according to the 2015 UN resolution 2231.

It forbids such sanctions enforcement against Iran, invalidating an extradition option to the U.S.

The Lester Pearson and Pierre Elliot Trudeau legacy of respecting international law and strengthening peace needs to to be restored for Canada to be trustworthy, to be functional on the world stage, crucial for the ecological survival crisis. 

(Part 2 provides a wider context for the ecological survival crisis by presenting a century long continuity of attacking international law with colonialism and racism. Part 3 brings it home to regional well being with two practical initiatives for community resilience.)

Treason afoot in Canada, Wielding Weaponized Carbon Tax 2/3 (Whitehorse Star, 28 June 2019)
Part of Western Apocalypse Frame — through and beyond Paris 1919 - Paris 2015

(Part 1 exposed foreign agency activities that use the false flag poison of the carbon-tax to attack liberty and unity in Canada.)

The centennial of 28 June 1919 is a good time to consider the crime of a continued Western racism by way of intensifying neoliberal colonialism. Paris 1919 through Paris 2015 and beyond, the Western apocalypse framework is active.

The film, Impossible Peace: The Time between World Wars, tells it.
Dr. Catriona Pennell, History Professor from the University of Exeter, speaks on Middle-East WW1 plotting carried forward to the Versailles treaty, spearheaded namely by then French Prime Minister Georges Clemencau.

Such as stabbing his Arab allies in the back with the secret 1916 French/British Sykes/Picot agreement to colonize into the future Syria, Jordan and Iraq:

“Hindsight is a luxury, but I really struggle sometimes to understand, how they possibly thought what they were doing was ever going to end well.”

The film tracked down specialists on the matter of colonizers wreaking havoc in arbitrating the Paris 1919 treaty, inserting early coffin nails into the Jan 1920 officiated League of Nations: 

“Historian Susan Pellison described the league’s mandate system as, a program perfectly tailored for the task of rehabilitating the imperial order at its moment of greatest disarray.”

Following armistice before even treaty negotiations began the Western allies had invaded their ally Russia, who had bled for them through three bitter years, frivolously causing the death of millions more in a starving country largely unorganized for modern warfare.

Colonizer pipe dreams of French, British and others at Versailles spited the world’s heartbeat in Paris 1919. In the voices of non-Westerners such as Prince Faisal and Ho Chi Minh it loudly and clearly had said: Decolonize!

Moral cynicism thereby also paving the road not just for Hitler, but ultimately an initially reluctant American empire with a now very risky endgame, dangerous also for Canadian freedom.

A rebirth of totalitarianism with Spanish Inquisition values that had been strategized by the stink tank of stink tanks, the neoliberal Chicago School of Economics.

Spilled over from Chicago and renewing a toxic Western legacy, tip of the sword for a green washing neo-colonialism is the racist carbon pricing (= carbon tax + carbon offset trade crimes), which is opposed by Non-Westerners.

Broad resistance is vocalized by the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Global Alliance against REDD, which is the Wall Street/World Bank’s carbon-pricing-club program, supposedly reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, leveraged by carbon taxes.

The Whitehorse Star coloumn from 17 June 2017 cited the evidence under the title: Break Climate Denial of Carbon Pricer – Flat-Earther Symbiosis (continuous quote, story also archived at yukonblogger).

“In its study's preface, Carbon Trading – How it Works and Why it Fails, the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation speaks for all scientists and economists who have actually examined climate - energy policies, including carbon pricing:

‘At a time when carbon trading is still being promoted as the central solution to climate change, we continue that it is, instead, part of the problem.’

‘Under the headline Taxation:

‘As a means for altering behaviour, carbon taxes have many of the same problems as carbon (off-set) trading.’

‘Matt McGrath, BBC News Science & Environment page, reported on the COP 20 Lima, Dec. 13, 2014:

‘A large group of developing nations known as the G77 objected [as they would in Paris and Marrakesh]. "[Antonio Marcondes, Brazil’s representative:] ... We stand behind the differentiation, we stand behind common but differentiated responsibilities, these are issues we hold very strong and these are definite red lines.’

The Kyoto principle of Differentiation towards climate justice is real. Carbon-tax advocates tend to single out the poor countries as climate culprits when it is the accumulation of GHG emissions from Western countries that launched the extinction crisis, according to science.

‘At Marrakesh COP 22 Nnimmo Bassey (Friends of the Earth International, Environmental Rights Action) addressed Western NGOs, referencing the Paris agreement as vehicle for carbon price profiteering towards increasing emissions.

The 2015 COP 21 Paris climate agreement never even mentions fossil fuels (hard to believe, I fact checked. COP stands for Conference of Parties that signed the 1992 UN Convention on Climate Change). 

Bassey reiterated the G-77's charismatic speaker from the 2009 COP Copenhagen, Stanislaus Lumumba Di-Aping:

‘... and I will say this to our colleagues from Western civil society  –  you have definitely sided with a small group of industrialists and their representatives and your representative branches. Nothing more than that. You have become an instrument of your governments."

In short, a free ride for the oil cartel along with blaming ordinary people, mostly non-Western non-white; With carbon-tax/price/offset-banksterism. Interpol warned already in 2013 that carbon-pricing is significantly and increasingly controlled by organized crime.

For the sake of surviving the extinction crisis a reality check is overdue for environmental NGOs and climate plans of political parties: 

International solidarity and climate action in the ecological survival crises without a country? 

Upper Canada 25 July 1814, in the decisive War of 1812 Battle at Lundy’s Lane, after a muggy night of relentless counter-attacks by British regulars/Canadian volunteers, bearing cold steel, some, who fought in the American army betraying Canada, had lost their nerve by the wee hours of morning.

They were first to hightail across the border. In the spirit of an emerging Canadian citizenship sentiment, traitors were to be hanged. That is why we have a country.

(Part 3 shows conflict lines to overcome for grassroots actors and candidates aiming towards regional well being with two practical initiatives for resilience.)

Treason afoot in Canada, Wielding Weaponized Carbon Tax 3/3 (Whitehorse Star, 1 July 2019)
Part of Western Apocalypse Frame — through and beyond Paris 1919 - Paris 2015

(Part 1 exposed foreign agency activities, aided by contempt for international law, that use the false flag poison of the carbon-tax to attack liberty and unity in Canada.)
Part 2 provided a wider context for the ecological survival crisis by reflecting on a century long Western continuity of attacking international law with colonialism and racism.)

Canadian citizens need to bring a dose of reality to neocolonial country club romantics at Yukoners Concerned about Oil and Gas, at Green Peace, at and the David Suzuki Foundation, to an emerging  Yukon University, naming a few of the friendly carbon-pricing green-washers.

The Western mind is more ill than meets the eye. During 2019 National Indigenous Peoples Day I paid attention once more.

There is a sacred and timeless tradition of First Peoples, shared by pre-christian European ways as well. When people meet in earnest conversation, or prayer perhaps, the word is passed around with the sun. 

Somehow a tuning fork is activated to make room for the voice of the heart. It is still remembered in the direction hour or minute hands of a watch turn.

During National Aboriginal Day celebrations at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre the  Dakhká Khwáan Dancers based out of Whitehorse shared an instruction for one of their dances with the audience: “We spin in the direction of the sun.”

After their performance was completed Marilyn Jensen, one of the founders of the group, reminisced to the crowd in a general sense: “You have to be careful with these dances, they are powerful.”

Whenever wherever indigenous people meet or the general public gathers and is facilitated by an indigenous person this respect is present for the direction of the sun.

Isolated from the world, the flat earth-neoliberals more so appeal to the silent majority fiction and don’t meet that much in an environment of talking circles and rather stick to a leader in front of crowd setup.

Over the course of some forty years I made the odd observation that wussy-neoliberals, be it in green-washer NGOs or Blair/Mulcair oriented new labour types in the NDP, love the empty appearance of public engagement.

These wussy-neos also have sure-fire approaches at their fingertips of turning silent the voice in the emotional heart space, poisoning conversation partly by forcing the speaking order upstream against the current of creation and against the direction earth moves around sun. 

Apologies, my memory is not perfect but I can’t remember when the alternative suggestion to pay homage to the rotational sense of creation was not met with hostility by some wussy-neo.   

Inspired by words of the great Indian writer Arundhati Roy it seems that wussy-neos sow by night so that flatearth-neos can reap by day. It is what it is and where the West is at.  

Wyatt Tremblay had it straight. 
The Words in the Wyatt’s World 17 June 2019 Yukon News cartoon read : “A Question ... If we declare a climate emergency, does that mean we’ll have to do something about it?”

At Whse city council the same day, refreshingly everybody seemed to get it, city councillors, city staff, resident delegates that spoke to councillor Steve Roddick’s climate emergency resolution. 

Except for mayor Dan Curtis who seemed much relieved to transition right back onto his morbid fossil track by calling to session a summary presentation of a Stantec study commissioned under his auspices.   

The officially as engineering consulting firm operating Stantec, on a practical level shows consistently a neoliberal ideology with strong pro-tar/frack fuels bias. 

Aligned with mayor Curtis’ point of view, the stink tank study laid out a transportation strategy for the Whitehorse Transit fleet that would bake in a 100% fossil fuel dependency through decades to come.

At hand was the City of Whitehorse Transit Master Plan, furnished by Stantec, released on April 10, 2018.

Dominant recommendations of the plan dismiss the clean cheap electron that is powering battery electric transit busses in many cities with subarctic conditions and read:

“Maintain the existing Diesel propulsion system in future procurements.”
“Cold weather makes electric buses impractical,” 

A bold-faced lie! Stantec was paid handsomely to know better.
Look to Winnipeg, to Alaskan towns, to Northern China, Moscow and towns in Siberia!

There battery electric buses operate in the extremest of winter conditions more robustly and more reliably, as well as fuel up five times cheaper than Mayor Dan Curtis’ recently procured climate bombs of expensive tar-diesel buses.

Following a quasi North Star of a Renewable No to the oily carbon-tax, the Litmus test for rooting out such climate denial disease becomes straightforward by way of two simple guidelines, that with a stroke of a pen take can take effect overnight.

Nobody’s gas station or fossil extraction business is unfairly infringed upon. Policy details fall into place over time, a renewable transition becomes rapid and is rescued from meaningless out of sight accountability horizons of 2040, 2050 or even 2060.

1 No more new (!) fossil infrastructures and usage are to be licensed, aided or otherwise furnished.

2 All new (!) energy capacities, usage and generating gear are to focus on the clean cheap electron.

Peter Becker, Whitehorse  
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