Peter Becker CV, Renewable Energy Consulting in Yukon and Beyond
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Premier Notley's s lost opportunity for reconciliation, Whitehorse Star July 18, 2017
Premier Notley's s lost opportunity for reconciliation
Not always is the difference between lip service and meaningful action as visible as with the continued exclusion of First Nations from the Council of the Federation meetings, this time under Premier Notley's auspices in Edmonton.
A profound lack of generosity in Premier Notley's stance against a very feasible evolution of the council, well within its mandate, is striking.
The word profound is meant to indicate she might have an above premiers' average capacity to comprehend what is right.
This can't be about charity. Profound generosity is the kind with gumption that finds the courage to do better than what one is used to.
Think of doing away with the old Indian Act in 1951, which was partly driven by the desire not to once again humiliate returning indigenous war veterans by removing their freedoms with extreme racial segregation.
This step in the right direction happened in an era not without problems, but of vibrant democratic trends, and before arrival of the kind of neoliberal/neocolonial foulness we witness in Edmonton.
Or in lose human rights analogy consider perhaps allowing LGBT marriage rights that partly materialized in balance to a history of barbaric state brutality against all who insisted on expressing sexual liberties.
Human freedoms that perhaps are indirectly triggered by indigenous wisdom traditions that citizens recently aspired to, even if on a personal level some have family ideals leaning towards a more Victorian model.
On the other hand consider as another negative example former Quebec premier Pauline Marois's disaster at introducing an islamophobic religious charter, which she deceptively had called a secular charter.
Naturally Quebecers threw Marois out of office, right along with her christian theocratic proposals.
Rachel Notley already had delivered a twisted neoliberal sense of political compromise, aiming to satisfy elites, instead of ordinary people.
On that track, left of a neoconservative right wing, political status quo technocrats like her stand at attention for every shift of goal posts by reactionaries, so they can head towards them, aim for them or even overshoot them.
Notley's climate plan put forward carbon price stimulated subsidies and expansion plans of tar and frack extraction beyond anything Alberta PC or Wildrose parties thought they could get away with.
And all to prove Goody Two-Shoes Social democrats like her are holier-than-thou fossilized. Leadership in unfolding crises times means compromise with the community of peoples, not derailed elites unknown to display gratitude for useful idiots.
Leadership would have meant to lead collaboratively, to get out in front of overdue and mounting reconciliation challenges.
Marilyn Poitras, technocratically sabotaged (by feds) and resigning Commissioner for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, only indicating one more of recent examples.
As Canadians everywhere, Albertans face the kind of Brexiteer/Trumpismo voter demobilization the Alberta remake of Unite-The-Wrong is dreaming about.
And Rachel Notley is obligingly inserting the coffin nails into her reelection campaign.
Seemingly in a broader decolonization context Author Lee Maracle has a question Ms. Notley obviously has not heard: "Where do you begin telling someone their world is not the only one?"
Not always is the difference between lip service and meaningful action as visible as with the continued exclusion of First Nations from the Council of the Federation meetings, this time under Premier Notley's auspices in Edmonton.
A profound lack of generosity in Premier Notley's stance against a very feasible evolution of the council, well within its mandate, is striking.
The word profound is meant to indicate she might have an above premiers' average capacity to comprehend what is right.
This can't be about charity. Profound generosity is the kind with gumption that finds the courage to do better than what one is used to.
Think of doing away with the old Indian Act in 1951, which was partly driven by the desire not to once again humiliate returning indigenous war veterans by removing their freedoms with extreme racial segregation.
This step in the right direction happened in an era not without problems, but of vibrant democratic trends, and before arrival of the kind of neoliberal/neocolonial foulness we witness in Edmonton.
Or in lose human rights analogy consider perhaps allowing LGBT marriage rights that partly materialized in balance to a history of barbaric state brutality against all who insisted on expressing sexual liberties.
Human freedoms that perhaps are indirectly triggered by indigenous wisdom traditions that citizens recently aspired to, even if on a personal level some have family ideals leaning towards a more Victorian model.
On the other hand consider as another negative example former Quebec premier Pauline Marois's disaster at introducing an islamophobic religious charter, which she deceptively had called a secular charter.
Naturally Quebecers threw Marois out of office, right along with her christian theocratic proposals.
Rachel Notley already had delivered a twisted neoliberal sense of political compromise, aiming to satisfy elites, instead of ordinary people.
On that track, left of a neoconservative right wing, political status quo technocrats like her stand at attention for every shift of goal posts by reactionaries, so they can head towards them, aim for them or even overshoot them.
Notley's climate plan put forward carbon price stimulated subsidies and expansion plans of tar and frack extraction beyond anything Alberta PC or Wildrose parties thought they could get away with.
And all to prove Goody Two-Shoes Social democrats like her are holier-than-thou fossilized. Leadership in unfolding crises times means compromise with the community of peoples, not derailed elites unknown to display gratitude for useful idiots.
Leadership would have meant to lead collaboratively, to get out in front of overdue and mounting reconciliation challenges.
Marilyn Poitras, technocratically sabotaged (by feds) and resigning Commissioner for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, only indicating one more of recent examples.
As Canadians everywhere, Albertans face the kind of Brexiteer/Trumpismo voter demobilization the Alberta remake of Unite-The-Wrong is dreaming about.
And Rachel Notley is obligingly inserting the coffin nails into her reelection campaign.
Seemingly in a broader decolonization context Author Lee Maracle has a question Ms. Notley obviously has not heard: "Where do you begin telling someone their world is not the only one?"
Monday, 10 July 2017
The Liberals and NDP failed on the Khadr file (Whitehorse Star July 10, 2017)
The Liberals and NDP failed on the Khadr file (Whitehorse Star July 10, 2017)
The Liberals' and NDP's withholding of exonerating, conclusive and sworn legal testimony (US Military Commissions Report OC-1 CITF) from the public feeds ammunition to the Conservatives.
The treatment of Khadr was a war crime under the Geneva and Child Soldier Conventions, and under Canadian law which adheres to international law, rendering Guantanamo rulings invalid.
However, acts of resistance are first rate relevant in the story, such as by the courageous American military lawyer Bill C. Kuebler who had forced into the process the sworn legal eyewitness statement by US military personnel: Khadr did not kill Christopher Speer.
A crucial failure to get out in front of reintegrating the innocent Omar Khadr is bound to cost Liberals and NDP dearly in the 2019 federal election.
These spineless Neo-liberals want to have it both ways with a belated settlement and weasel absolution from their collectively acquired legal responsibilities.
All the while they are still trying to get in on the islamophobic smearing of Khadr and Canada through assigning consistent and fact defying blame regarding US army medic Christopher Speer's death.
Author Thomas King with his observed "first rule of racism" perhaps best echoes the political correctness of united dog whistlers on the Hill: "Think it, but do not speak it out loud."
Quote from my coloumn in the Whitehorse Star Dec. 2, 2015:
-- Unfortunately, there is no indication yet from the Trudeau government that Canada will return to the world community of nations that follows the UN Child Soldier Conventions signed by Canada in 1949, 1977 and 2000.
Under the law, prosecution and punishment of child soldiers or combatants under 18, including the cover-up, facilitation or aiding thereof, is a war crime (no ifs and buts).
Justice and compensation for Omar Khadr, who was also psychologically tortured with attention to sadistic detail by Canada’s CSIS in Guantanamo (CBC video: ), is overdue, and has to be the measure of that.
Aggravating injustice occurred on Feb. 4, 2008, when the U.S. Military Commissions, in Guantanamo, accidentally released and later suppressed eyewitness report OC-1 CITF of March 17, 2004.
It contains sworn, legal testimony by the U.S. army personnel who captured Khadr in Afghanistan on July 27, 2002, that Khadr, then 15, did not kill U.S. army medic Christopher Speer.
Some decent women and men stood up for the law and Khadr’s rights.
Among them were UN officials, RCMP Chief Supt. Mike Cabana, who resigned in protest from the RCMP anti-terrorism unit Project O Canada, the former senator and general Romeo Dallaire, Michelle Shepard from the Toronto Star, American military lawyer Bill C. Kuebler and Dennis Edney from Edmonton.
It is widely agreed that the Guantanamo concentration camp continues to be a first-rate recruiting tool transforming young Muslim women and men toward the extreme.
One way to put a little more distance between Canada and Guantanamo would be to avoid the usual decades-long foot-dragging for victim rehabilitation in the justice system and clear the air quickly for all Canadians and now upstanding, loyal citizen Khadr. -- End of quote.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Break Climate Denial of Carbon Pricer – Flat Earther Symbiosis
Ideas competition in Sweden: Climate Survival - Political Reform
An intriguing project, if not compelling, my attention was roused after a friend had alerted me to it last fall. There are around 12 000 registrations so far aiming for the September deadline that the Global Challenges Foundation has set, aside to 5 million $ US prize money.
Perhaps more Yukoners will participate, or just continue in informal ways of a forum, be it groups or individuals? There already is a lot of interest, to build on, in the theme of the competition's core challenge, climate crisis, really a crises cataclysm that is coming on.
At any rate, here are my two cents at this point working towards a 1000 word summary component for a submission document:
Break Climate Denial of Carbon Pricer – Flat Earther Symbiosis
(Whitehorse Star Coloumn 29 June 2017)
Imagine Winston Churchill levying on NAZI trade a 25% sales tax during the Battle of Britain. The self-directing market, right? Wrong, pending (or creeping) doom demanded active choices. Survival needed narrative change with new words, he created them.
Contemporary contrast to Ida Tarbell's and Teddy Roosevelt's dissolving of Standard Oil's criminal cartel:
Self-referential technocratic mandarins in neoliberal political, critically environmental NGO, areas respond to crises with a dulłed and dogma drilled oiligarchic chant mass: put a price on carbon.
In solidarity with climate scientists, activists from the Global South like Vandana Shiva, Arundhati Roy describes the scene as "NGO-ization", which resurrects/reenforces a racialized system, spearheaded by predatory carbon pricing design.
In its study's preface, Carbon Trading – How it Works and Why it Fails, the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation speaks for all scientists and economists who have actually examined climate - energy policies, including carbon pricing:
“At a time when carbon trading is still being promoted as the central solution to climate change, we continue that it is, instead, part of the problem.”
Under the headline Taxation:
“As a means for altering behaviour, carbon taxes [initiating, leveraging, legitimizing, capitalizing organized crime carbon offset derivative fraud schemes, as Interpol warned already in 2013] have many of the same problems as carbon (off-set) trading.
Matt McGrath, BBC News Science & Environment page, reported on the COP 20 Lima, Dec. 13, 2014:
"A large group of developing nations known as the G77 objected [as they did in Copenhagen, Paris, Marrakesh]. "[Antonio Marcondes, Brazil’s representative at the talks:] ... We stand behind the differentiation, we stand behind common but differentiated responsibilities, these are issues we hold very strong and these are definite red lines."
In Marrakesh Nnimmo Bassey (Friends of the Earth International, Environmental Rights Action) addressed Western NGOs, referencing the Paris agreement as vehicle for carbon price profiteering, it never mentioned fossil fuels (hard to believe, I fact checked). He reiterated the G77's charismatic speaker from Copenhagen, Lumumba Di-Aping:
"... and I will say this to our colleagues from Western civil society – you have definitely sided with a small group of industrialists and their representatives and your representative branches. Nothing more than that. You have become an instrument of your governments."
Mainstream portrays as climate villain a true global leader actually achieving GHG emission reductions, and not by eco-waffling Big Oil/Davos talking points.
Nicaragua is poised for 90 percent renewables in power generation by 2020, while adding much needed Socratic sting to the neocolonial Paris flirt with disaster.
Likewise in Denmark, China and Germany carbon pricing is intentionally, explicitly or de facto, in a non relevant role. Emission reductions follow renewable energy source legislation which recognizes that renewable cost parities are in the past, not the future as carbon pricing stipulates, as to never find it.
Unist'ot'en First Nation banner against new pipelines and against the carbon pricing that brings them: .
Global South and Indigenous spheres overwhelmingly aim for the Kyoto principle of climate justice based leap frogging towards renewable energy critical mass thresholds, noted by few western observers.
John Ralston Saul at the 2010 Melbourne Writer's Festival marked an exception: "And unfortunately most of the environmentalist language is in fact not terribly different from its enemy, it's very much like a shadow of the enemy, ... Maybe we should actually do something as opposed to negotiate about doing something."
Gordon Laxer, veteran energy analyst, University of Alberta Parkland Institute, finished his Dec. 3, 2015 piece in the Edmonton Journal, “Opinion: Alberta’s climate plan stands in the way of Canada’s”, observing:
“Getting the NDP’s backing on expanding the oil sands lends more credibility than Big Oil could have got from a Conservative Alberta government. No wonder Big Oil is smiling" [Premier Notley repeatedly in plain text: Without carbon pricing there would be no pipeline expansion].
Justifiably subterfuge, aside to impoverishment, diminishing returns associated with unconventional extraction, angers people and many are herded to false populist demagogues because they are being lied to, even if some are confused as to the exact details of deception.
Carbon pricers efficiently facilitate full spectrum destruction, expanding unconventional fossil extraction faster than their climate denial brethren in more crudely styled conservative governments.
British Columbia Auditor General 2013 special report: carbon tax refunds specifically subsidize frackgas outfits, and emission increases.
More fossil subsidies inherent to the design of carbon pricing false language:
- No unified carbon product, intentionally hollow abstraction attracts toxic content.
- Distraction from outlawing criminal behaviours such as oil and gas fracking and from infrastructure initiative responsibilities/accountabilities, blaming folks by instead "putting the price on carbon".
- Falsely posing as fuel tax, energy pricing, risk addressing, pollution penalty instrument.
- Oil is politically/militarily influential, clean electron is market competitive, inexpensive, Carbon Pricers bury those facts (Peter Droege, Eurosolar).
- Slights of hand: swapping luxuries with basic needs, bastardizing "price elasticity for demand" market economics.
- Carbon pricing policy choice sold as part of climate science, weakening science impact.
- Carbon pricing inflates financialization towards 2008 levels, driving investment away from renewable industries (Chester & Rosewarne, University of Sydney).
- Capping emissions is OK, Whereas Offsetting caps reductions, including mathematically, and nullifies GHG accounting while expanding polluter rights.
From Johan Rockström, Bill McKibben, David Suzuki to Nicholas Stern, who promotes expanding the most climate destructive fossil extraction, gas fracking, by buying into an increase of natural gas power plants, carbon pricers back up their attack on climate justice with an attack on science.
Carbon pricing exclusively validates/navigates current emissions, whereas climate science is unequivocal: accumulated emissions cause the crisis, not levels at any given moment.
In wooden oblivion to non western voices, such as by stonewalling cross culturally vibrant G77 countries' global governance reform initiatives, western leaders in the climate forum have become corrupt intellectually, and isolated.
Elites that are reminiscent of a complicit pre 1914 intelligentsia, epitomized by Norman Angell with his 1910 bestseller "The Great Illusion", arguing the deception that war and destruction supposedly had become impossible through globalized free trade.
Reentering reform dialogue requires listening and delinking from World Bank/Exxon Mobile sponsored colonial structural adjustments, such as Carbon Pricing-Taxing-Trading, that pollute and exploit especially poor regions while frying the planet.
[decarbolonize -- notcarbonprice -- greenenergize]
Friday, 17 March 2017
Conservation society mollycoddles fracked LNG (Whitehorse Star coloumn Mar. 2017
Conservation society mollycoddles fracked LNG part 1/2
During the March 3 Midday Café interview with Leonard Linklater, Anne Middler, the senior energy analyst for the Yukon Conservation Society (YCS), glossed over troublesome liquified natural gas (LNG) facts and accommodated misleading statements made by the Calgary frack gas promoter, Ferus Inc.
The interview followed up on Yukon Energy Corporation's latest Frack & Pony show, this time a closed door event featuring Ferus on the morning of March 1 in the Old Firehall.
The main theme in the Old Firehall was to use LNG plans of the Casino mine proposal as vehicle for an introduction of deep natural gas infrastructures across Yukon.
A team of presenters decked out in company uniform dresses and seamless Prozac happiness had rolled out a tightly controlled message and multi media track. Benefit of such by invite-only sessions, there was some plain text such as carbon pricing subsidizes fracking (accurately referenced in the Alberta Climate Plan).
Claims of supposedly clean fracked LNG, long debunked, she accommodated as "dubious".
In response to facts that are too solid and obvious to be simply overturned introducing such false doubt to scientific proof (not hypothesis, not theory) is a classic feature of toxic cigarette and fossil industries discourse.
During the Oct. 2013 Yukoners Concerned PPT presentation to the YG frack committee I had elaborated on my link in the PPT, showing a University of Colorado study of total mass measurements of methane emissions in a Utah frack gas field.
Since then, from journals like Scientific American to the academic literature, we have seen building an avalanche of high-calibre evidence that fracked natural gas has the dirtiest GHG output of all fossil fuels, including coal and fracking-derived diesel.
With no evidence to the contrary long lists of peer reviewed papers published by Sourcewatch:, and Cornell University :, are summed up well by fracture engineer and fracking pioneer Dr. Tony Ingraffea: "Shale Gas is not the cleanest, not the least worst of all the fossil fuels, it is the dirtiest, it is the worst."
Of course, LNG is dirtier yet as it means a double-whammy of pollution in comparison to above referenced, increasingly fracked natural gas in general, because of the massive additional emissions involved in liquifying natural gas into LNG.
Anne Middler further ceded supposed economic benefits of establishing an ever broader frack LNG infrastructure in Yukon.
She suggested, for example, in the case of a truly massive LNG fuelled electrical generation for the Casino Mine proposal, a measly renewable energy quota along with fracked LNG should be required.
The YCS continue to overlook that Yukon is not an economic island and that it is unethical and economically destabilizing for Yukon to saddle B.C. or Alberta with incentives for even more public debt, private sector investment fraud and structural unemployment.
It is irresponsible for experts like her, perceived to be impartial and objective, to give feed back that contributes to sooner or later leaving public and industrial energy needs high and dry, and leaving planning unaware of supply unreliability and price volatility of short sighted frack gas perspectives.
Frack gas speculators like Ferus focus on pumping up the next quarterly balance sheet while a big mining project is planned for decades to come, very incompatible.
Once infrastructure dependencies reach a critical mass many expect natural gas prices to go up ferociously, roughly to Pacific Rim levels.
It is noteworthy that after years of $100-plus plus per barrel crude prices (until 2014) no Canadian jurisdiction has relevant savings.
In the case of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, it is in the 0% - 1% range of Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund, at best.
Norway, with savings of about $1.5 trillion, extracts crude from once-profitable conventional reservoirs and reinvests almost exclusively into renewables.
Whereas somewhere around half of current Canadian oil and gas extraction and practically all of its new fossil energy projects unfold as unconventional tar and frack expansion, with no useful net energy output while bleeding financial losses and proliferating economic failure.
And with depletion of 'low hanging fruit' resources those efficiency losses of fracking are getting ever-bigger.
Super-intense efforts of breaking the back of the Earth in unconventional operations seamlessly across vast sacrifice regions require expenditure of financial and energy resources that is economically very different to a once profitable conventional extraction, with typically localized spot impacts.
The YCS consistently ignored, or by now shall I say has hidden as in the interview, the massive economic and ecological outcome differences when expanding into unconventionally vs. once conventionally derived fossil fuels.
When the chips were down YCS had endorsed (sneak) fracking, the dishonest NDP and Liberal way of going about it paired with no-frack lip service.
Strikingly, before the unanimous passing of the Dec. 2015 Yukon Oil and Gas Act (YOGA), the YCS responded "Agreed” to eight out of 11 frack enabling proposals in YG's related online consultation.
Tony Ingraffea, a well-known Cornell University professor, in the fall of 2016 provided a reality check to Yukoners by pointing out the YOGA never even mentions “shale” or “fracturing”, “conventional” or “unconventional”, not in any form.
He explicitly responded to the author in agreement on the deceptive character of the YOGA, which, in Ingraffea’s review, could only be matched on the negative scale by Texas regulatory fracking implementations.
Ecological, industrial and social challenges before us are immense, but without ethical core there is no hope.
One could start by transitioning from technocratically shackled, spineless slithering to re-learning upright walking.
The Yukon Conservation Society has a bad habit of regurgitating oil industry talking points, and generally does not recognize independently and broadly accepted energy basics such as these:
As indispensable but vanishing backbone of the entire fossil energy outlook, global conventional O & G extraction is declining since around 2005; North American reserves and production are in worse shape.
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers estimates a final decline of natural gas resources from 2025 onward.
The only significant LNG exporter, Qatar, ships almost half of the world's exports.
Even the only two other relevant conventional natural gas producers, Russia and Iran, have reserves too far from tidewater to afford the wasteful LNG option.
The freezing down to 162 degree Celsius (260 Fahrenheit) is so energy intensive that nearly half of the natural gas is used up right then and there.
It also means the frack gas extraction from short-lived wells in overrated reserves with no useful net energy or revenue output from Alberta and B.C. interior shale geology is an LNG pipe dream of pipe dreams.
LNG is typically understood as non-viable oddball fossil fuel that historically evolved in highly unusual trade scenarios such as the Qatar export - Japan import connection, not at all suitable for most energy logistics and architectures.
Seasoned oil and gas industrialists like Art Berman and analysts like Deborah Rogers or petroleum geologists like David Hughes, state clearly that fracking and LNG are investment fraud based on wildly inflated reserve statements and energy wasting, more than realistic resource production.
Matthias Bichsel, then project and technology director at Shell, summed it up this way, cited by the Financial Post on Oct. 18, 2013: “The United States oil and gas industry has “overfracked and overdrilled’.” The reader can fill in "Canadian tar and frack bubble will be short lived".
Part 2 of this two-part commentary will be published Monday.
It will show how the YCS following its Oct. 5, 2012 backroom deal with the oil industry, misreads energy economics and presents misleading renewable energy as well as oil cartel-coined climate advice.
Yukon Conservation Society Mollycoddles Fracked LNG part 2/2
P.E.I. with about one-third penetration of wind energy on the power grid, produces the wind component at 5 cents/kWh.
If critical mass was moved beyond Yukon Energy Corp.'s (YEC's) renewable Mickey Mouse approach, and thereby pushing down Northern overhead costs such as construction crane use, Yukon might expect closer to Dawson Creek's 8 cents/kWh wind energy production cost.
On top of that, a first Yukon wind park such as the Ferry Hill 10 - 20 MW proposal, is mostly base load power because of so far unused storage potential at the Aishihik power dam and therefore decades overdue, also with regard to loads for electric vehicle charging.
Crucially in winter months that have lots of wind, with wind farm operations, water can be held back at Aishihik.
Then, when there is little wind, it can be reliably used instead of the current fossil fuel generators.
This cost competitive edge of wind energy is agreed on, but hidden under a "mountain of disjointed, incoherent facts" (out of Tarkovsky's movie Solaris) by YEC.
Battery electric transit busses have been successful in many places.
Winnipeg Transit is now considering going all electric with 618 busses; electric busses for over half a century had been successful in Winnipeg.
As one example, the BYD K9 model purchase cost and maintenance cost are competitive to the latest diesel bus orders by Whitehorse city council and of course fuels up for 20 percent of diesel fuel's cost.
In five years since the previous order of new city busses, which already should have been electric, significant diesel expenses and GHG emissions have frivolously occurred.
City council's lack of perspective or fossil default mentality aligns with the scandalous Feb. 2016 EV study YEC had commissioned with the ICF oil and gas consultancy in California.
The study discourages any vehicle charge infrastructure initiative.
As a planning goal into the future, it advises that electrical vehicle traffic in the Yukon should be referred to and limited to block heater outlets, a total no-no in EV infrastructure development 101.
This frozen situation is not ecology- or economics-based, but ideological, and even less likely to change as time goes on with the irrational fossil eggheads digging in and advancing further their already adversarial stance.
Michael Brandt, YEC's Vice-President and face of frack gas continuity through and beyond Dave Morrison's days, is a seasoned expert in irrational frackonomics, which he proved once again during the LNG promotional event in the Old Firehall March 1, 2017.
Unchallenged by the Yukon Conservation Society (YCS), he made the disingenuous, circular statement that Yukon's electric infrastructure is not robust enough to power or partially power large mining projects.
In reality, every step of the way in years, Brandt had opposed any sensible, incremental options to cost-competitively, robustly, resiliently and adaptively electrify Yukon's energy, industrial and transportation capacities.
He is still the enemy of a Ferry Hill wind farm. Hydro dams once were considered renewable but are not any longer in forward planning, which the fossilized Brandt has not learned.
Renewable energy is competitive; always-wasteful conversion of fossil resources into energy is not.
Oil, coal and gas are politically and militarily influential, which is an entirely different piece, or beast.
A big problem with YCS is they are trying to pull the wool over our eyes by selling us one for the other with Exxon Mobile-sponsored carbon price indoctrination.
The climate crisis is unravelling livable conditions on our planet. It is time now to stop or wake up the climate deniers, be it flat-earthers or carbon-pricers with their own attack on atmospheric science and energy economics.
Carbon taxes and carbon off set trade speculation only validate and navigate current GHG emission levels.
Conversely, unequivocally climate science as well as climate/north-south justice (Kyoto Principle) understand accumulated emissions, not current emission levels, as core data point.
But it is the dishonest indoctrination by carbon-pricers that enable and multiply the flat-earth and Trump followers who understand very well being lied to, just are confused what exactly about.
It is the carbon-pricing narrative of YCS and others to confuse the morbid end-game of fossil cartel subsidies with the capitalist or simply industrial cycle of private/public infant industry investment.
It is a crucial failure to overlook or forget the mechanics for crossing critical mass thresholds for network technologies, like rail, air travel, phone service, communication and energy sectors.
As with other technology standard changes, fossils do not transition to renewables but are disrupted by change.
Illegal fossil actions, such as violations of the Competition Act section 15.1 with the fraudulent carbon-price claim of lowering emissions, when in fact it it increases emissions, need to be stopped.
Like the VW emission lowering claims for petroleum sphere products that blocked renewable paths for an actual reduction of emissions, the emission increasing carbon pricing fraud of the petro-political complex will be prosecuted under competition legislations by an initiative of the author.
Remember muckraking journalist Ida Tarbel and Republican US president Theodore Roosevelt, who broke up the criminal cartel operations of Standard Oil?
In today's anti-democratic corporatism, they could be considered far left of the neoliberal phonies from Blair-Mulcair New Labour.
Fully interchangeable, Yukon wise, fill in Premier Sandy Silver or Yukon NDP Leader Liz Hanson.
The Silver government is getting their ducks in a row for fracking in Northern and South-East Yukon, which is plain text for already initiated Oil and Gas development of shale resources, such as in the Kandik Basin.
There is danger at the door; neoliberal carbon pricers outfrack and outpipeline neoconservatives everywhere.
It is a bandwagon That Peter Turner, the president of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce was quick to jump on with the now-familiar emphasis on frack subsidies through carbon-pricing.
Yukon has zero proven conventional Oil or Gas reservoirs according to comprehensive literature of Yukon O & G geology available through the Yukon Geological Survey. Sandy Silver and Peter Turner can't seem to get it into their heads.
For such a surreal scene of endlessly and brainlessly parroted frack promos, in the coming out year 2012 for Yukon Frack and Pony shows, on Oct. 5, the YCS framed the picture.
YCS set the tone for a fossil default standard of frack double talk by signing a backroom deal with the oil industry.
The document borrows language from similar agreements that are often facilitated by the fossil-controlled and funded group Synergy Alberta.
The psychologically clever term "polarized spectrum" has a track record for degrading fact- and science-based research as supposedly extreme.
The mental image of "polarized" pushes frack critical views to beyond an acceptable, allowable scope.
Under the contract, packaged as a joined letter of YCS and Northern Cross, YCS is to seek "common ground" with the frackers.
"There is a need for the public to be engaged in an open and informed discussion about the oil & gas industry, including the benefits and risks of various oil and gas industry activities such as hydraulic fracture stimulation (fracking), and how Yukon's regulations govern these activities."
In the sophisticated legalese of the frack lobby culture the YCS has entered – need for an informed discussion – implies that frack objections in the community forum are supposedly –uninformed –, and frack lobbyists like YCS/Northern Cross by petitioning government assume expert authority, and importantly gain false legitimacy in sidelining the citizens by covering the consultation requirement in such elitist style.
The deceptive frack beautification of the "benefits and risks" language frame later set the Gov's select committee on course.
Long shadows continue to be thrown on Wealth and Health for Yukon with powerful language in YCS's oil backroom deal.
Anne Middler's signature is on it – .
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