Saturday, 16 July 2016

#Come off the "Love Train"

#Come off the "Love Train"

The Sanders campaign is not adequately aggressive in fighting back Clinton's vote stealing and cover ups of her racism from Iowa to Nevada, the Carolinas, Arizona to California, which is how the primaries were lost.

The psychological force of robust political ancestors, who struggled with verve and spirit for abolition, women's vote and worker rights, doesn't allow a demobilizing language, ranging from unwomanly sappy to academically flat, coming anywhere near of achieving power.

The fact basis in the reporting of independent and some mainstream media proved Hillary Clinton's policies are racist to the core, yet writers voices often lack the stirring, gutsy delivery in getting people to listen.

Largely unexploited is Clinton's pushing for today's segregation and black mass incarceration which she embarked upon as campaigner for Barry Goldwater's and Richard Nixon's racist Southern Strategy.

Some observers are sucked in by an almost pathological ability for deception, such as through her singing along in black churches. However, in a 1996 interview with journalist Scott Simon the 48 year old states: "I am very proud that I was a Goldwater girl."

Many well meaning commentators, with their sanitizing or misplaced respect in critiquing Clinton, fall short of offering clarity to the public on the basic factual context of her racism. A dangerous awareness gap opened up where Clinton's army of Progeys weaselled through (neoliberal phoneys dressing as progressives).

Leading civil rights advocate Michelle Alexander understood this would happen and wrote in The Nation on Feb. 10, 2016: "In short, there is such a thing as a lesser evil, and Hillary is not it." and:

"I am inclined to believe it would be easier to build a new party than to save the Democratic Party from itself." (An indication that a capable Jill Stein is doing the responsible thing.)

From racism that includes Clinton's Walmart economy, fracking climate bomb, deceptive free trade, racialized predatory lending and race based access-blockage to education/medicare.

From illegal wars and coups against Honduras, Libya, Iraq, Ukraine and risking nuclear war with her planned no-fly-zone attack against a Russian military that is legal and invited in Syria.

William Butler Yeats also knew something about vigor to fight evil.

Today's pacifist numbness echoes in the perhaps most haunting verse of a century in his poem Second Coming, which Yeats wrote 1919 under the impact still of World War 1 cataclysms:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

The proclaimed choice between Clinton and Trump is a fiction that has one purpose, selling out the grassroots to Wall Street. Fact is, in current low voter turn out scenarios few people switch between the symbiotic Blue and Red accomplices, many are demobilized not to vote at all.

Bernie Sanders has endorsed Clinton but he and the super delegates are still free, or even accountable, to reconsider the creepy reality that is closing in on them of Clinton and Trump actually supplementing each other, and give her the boot in Philly.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Wall Street and Clinton are angry at Sanders, they have reason to worry

Wall Street and Clinton are angry at Sanders, they have reason to worry

Wall Street and Clinton are angry at Sanders because he has not endorsed her. They have reasons to worry when millions of Americans will descend on the Philadelphia Democratic Party convention end of July.

Just like Chicago in 1968 the people are coming to Philadelphia in 2016 to bring justice and end war. Their arguments are fair and persuasive making super delegates honest in nominating Sanders to run for President.

#Philly 2016: VOTE SANDERS AGAINST clinTonPP

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Hot Philly, Tweet: VOTE SANDERS AGAINST clinTonPP

Hot Philadelphia Convention, Tweet and Retweet: VOTE SANDERS AGAINST clinTonPP

Then what?
Jill Stein as VP candidate on the Sanders for President Ticket may be the most realistic option.

Friday, 8 July 2016

A Flip-Flop too far — Rusty Revolution skills let Clinton get away with TPP?

A Flip-Flop too far — Rusty Revolution skills let Clinton get away with TPP?

General George Washington did not make that mistake when unannounced during the night of Dec. 25-26, 1776 he crossed the Delaware and attacked foreign mercenaries of the colonizer. 

Following the analogy, under Investor State Dispute Settlement provisions, ISDS, of so called free trade deals, despotic secret offshore tribunals extort moneys from governments to punish the will of the people and override their laws. 

Practically Obama's and Clinton’s TPP agenda removes law making powers from Congress and other countries’ parliaments and transfers legislative authority to extra-legal or illegal litigators of multi-nationals.

Philadelphia 2016, a deja vu of Chicago 1968? Raw pressure from millions of Americans could bear down on the Democratic Party convention and its super delegates to come to their senses and nominate Bernie Sanders to run for President.

There is nothing to be gained by clinging to more of temporary lip service against the TPP by Hillary Clinton, until, during or following the conclusion of platform committee meetings on July 8/9 2016. 

Many excellent writers and activists have delivered compelling but perhaps ill focussed or somewhat premature testimony that has tipped off the Clinton campaign which now understands that people mean to fight.

As much as still possible the heavy hitting needs to converge on the goal of Sanders for President during the two weeks between wrapped up party platform committee and convention.

So that the phoney and rigged committee process becomes ammunition not for Clinton and Wall Street, but in favour of the people and of Sanders’ nomination. 

Not fighting this one out to the wire, not collecting knowledge from loss or win of learning strength in battle completion and up close, also means to put the first coffin nail of weakness into the next campaign to follow the path of Sanders, FDR and Henry Wallace.

Unfortunately some of those who write, talk and hopefully think are too timid to face reality from a grassroots vantage point. That doesn’t give them a right for massaging the wider public to swallow Clinton betrayals even before she might be nominated.

The Progies (neoliberal phonies who dress up as progressives) problem is for real but it should not be expanded artificially. True activists inspire and do not become tail-lights and sell-outs for a movement. 

Senior Clinton campaigner Senator Warren, who owns a so far untainted integrity, just delivered exactly a THIRD Flip-Flop, this time against TPP, which no doubt will be made official by Clinton shortly, only as long as it serves her of course.

Bernie Sanders has kept a cool head and wisely focusses on the convention and run up where betrayals during the platform talks, after much campaign fraud against the majority in the party, are to be judged by the membership citizenry inside and outside of the hall.

FIRST Flip-Flop away from supporting TPP (and Fourth Flip-Flop to come) — On Jan. 28, 2016 the Huffington Post’s Robert Naiman referred to commonly held knowledge:

“In an interview from Davos with Bloomberg TV on January 20, Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue, a top lobbyist for the pro-corporate-power Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] agreement, assured viewers that if Hillary Clinton wins the Presidential election Clinton will support the TPP, even though she opposes it now.”

SECOND Flip-Flop — On June 24, 2016 the Clinton team votes unanimously for the TPP in the Democratic Party platform committee. 

THIRD Flip-Flop — Senior Clinton campaigner Elizabeth Warren’s Senate speech against TPP on Tue. July 5, 2016.

FOURTH Flip-Flop — With TPP architect/facilitator Hillary Clinton, who already had pushed for undemocratic fast tracking of the TPP (against the Senate vote of Sanders) as President there would be a bipartisan ratification of the TPP.

Peter Becker is a Whitehorse energy consultant.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Sanders worries Trump who likes Clinton

Sanders worries Trump who likes Clinton

Clinton plays by Trump’s "crooked" Hillary frame, whereas Sanders follows his and the peoples’ plan.

At this point very hypothetical odds are fairly even between Clinton and Trump.

This is despite him understandably holding back so there would be no last minute upset in favour of the Sanders he is afraid of.

Accordingly, on the eve of the California primaries, both, Clinton and Trump chickened out of debating Bernie Sanders.

Unfortunately progressive and liberal opinion leaders are too timid to face the realities of conflict with false populism. 

One by one they are readying themselves, and unfairly also massaging the wider public, to swallow more betrayals from Clinton against ordinary people. Latest example: TPP flipflop of June 24, 2016 during platform talks.

Bernie Sanders right now needs a much more robust support than what he is receiving from those who write, talk and hopefully think.

Unless Sanders becomes nominated in Philadelphia as Democratic Party candidate, Trump owns the economic card and, surprise, has been handed decisively the democratic rights card by Clinton's TPP about-turn. 

With impeccable timing only days before Brexit and Clinton's overconfidence in reasserting her never seriously shaken bow to TPP, Trump doubled down against undemocratic free-trade deals. 

He correctly invoked that TPP and NAFTA are unlawful, anti-market-trade and protectionist in handing the taxation privileges of Kings to cartels like Big Pharma, Big Oil and Wall Street, so they can control, fleece and starve people.

"Hillary Clinton has also been the biggest promoter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will ship millions more of our jobs overseas – and give up Congressional power to an international foreign commission."

That's right, he has clued in on Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions that follow the NAFTA Chapter 11 Investment template. 

Multinationals are legislating, by extorting from the people severe financial penalties levied against democratic laws they don’t like, in illegal offshore arbitration panels. 

Like the TPP, the Atlantic free-trade deal, TIPP, has another NAFTA Chapter 11 copycat provision. ISDS is what free-trade is all about. Clearly without ISDS free-trade deals are not logical, for better or worse. To hide this fact there is much filler fluff.

It is true because removals or adjustments of trade tariffs, without an undemocratic agenda, are simply added on to GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs).

Think about it, phoney free-trade deals in the November election will be much more commandeering than even with Brexit. 

Trump fires straight back the ammunition Clinton hands him without even needing anymore his trademark distortions.

Building a grassroots movement is great, but don't people agree the nomination fight is over when its over after the super delegates vote, and not before? They may be corrupt, I grant everybody that, but they might also get more scared by the hour? 

Without seizing this very moment the opportunity for an FDR - Bernie Sanders kind of a Presidency may deflect away into space, not to return in a 1000 years.

A lot of good can happen in a month's time especially if well meaning media are not throwing in the towel prematurely and not lose courage to give Sanders for President a fair chance.

A battle can be lost, but what are chances next time, if this fight is not carried down to the wire, measuring out the opponent close enough so one might win or get hurt? Predictabilities have gone out the window for good.

Brexit occurred even without blunders and betrayals on the Clinton scale.
Here is what will happen, come November, if the super delegates in Philadelphia are not (symbolically) persuasively whacked in the head.

What they need to be made to understand, by hook or by crook, Jim Ruth managed to put straight in the Washington Post on June 28, 2016, and it is this.

Outside of the groupthink of Washington beltway pundits, with their rigged Democratic Party primaries, Hillary Clinton has become unelectable. 

It is an unpleasant fact on the road ahead, much closer to the earth than the academic ivory towers some live, think and feed themselves in.

Walter Benjamin in 1936 wrote The Storyteller, a tract in which he defends the importance of an understanding out of ones experience, against spoon-fed and emotionally flat information.

Then there is William Butler Yeats who also knew something about vigour to fight evil.

The current drama is perhaps best captured by the haunting lines out of his poem Second Coming, which Yeats wrote under the impact still of WW1 cataclysms:

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity"

Those who are against the people keep advertising the lesser evil and have facilitated an ever growing greater evil. These neoliberals are forcing the very adult kind of a paradox, that with sadness and resolve Jim Ruth expresses.

In their heart of hearts people know that one can fight enemies, but only after traitors are dealt with.

First line of Ruth's so far unheeded warning in The Washington Post:
"No Donald Trump campaign buttons or bumper stickers for me."

Ruth's last word: 
"We hate Donald Trump, but he might just get our vote.”